A woman saw how the cashier treated a disabled customer – so she did what no one else dared

A woman was at the local McDonald’s in Chicago when she saw one of the cashiers doing something with an old, disabled man that stunned her.

Destiny Carno was waiting in line waiting to order when she saw an old man. She noticed he was probably suffering from some kind of disability.

Later, she described what happened in an emotional Facebook post, which is one of the more powerful stories we’ve seen. After you’ll read it, you’ll understand why!

“When I saw it today, I couldn’t stop the tears! Compassion hasn’t gone out of fashion yet.

Today I stopped at McDonald’s after work. As I waited in line to order, a disabled old man advanced with his wheelchair to the cash register before me. From what I saw, the man was suffering from codroplegia (four limbs paralysis), the same problem my uncle had.

The man politely tried to ask the cashier something and it took him several times before we could all understand what he was saying, “Help me, please”. None of us knew what help he needed, and the cashier offered him a few things before realizing that the man needed to help him cut and eat his meal.

To be honest, I didn’t think the cashier would help, especially when it was this busy, just after everyone had finished the workday, but to my surprise and amazement, he closed the cashier and disappeared from view ..

Not to avoid him, but to wash his hands and wear gloves! I had to stay to see how it went, especially when it was so close to my heart when my uncle was suffering from the same problem.

The cashier came out of the kitchen, sat down, and began cutting the old man’s meal and feeding him.

At this point, the tears began to flow. My heart so appreciated what the young cashier did. I couldn’t control my emotions in the busy restaurant.

This employee, who has stopped everything for this man, has done above and beyond his responsibilities to help a disabled client. It was the most beautiful, kind and humble thing I ever saw.

How many shared and likes can a cashier buy for his amazing service to those in need?”.

Many people have responded to Destiny’s Facebook story. And everyone was utterly moved by the story.

“It’s so beautiful to see and read about this young guy who clearly has a kind heart”, one man wrote.

“The worker is a hero”, another wrote.

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